
45.44038, 12.31595

Venice Travel Guide

City Map

City Introduction

Northern Italian Venice is a unique city in the world and an experience you will never forget. The city in the lagoon is constructed on millions of wooden pillars in the soft soil close to the Adriatic Sea, and being built over centuries it is a fantastic city you can visit today.

The canals cut through the Venice neighborhoods, and a gondola ride on the Grand Canal is like a boat trip through the city’s long history. You pass by the many palaces that housed the city’s rich families for more than 1,000 years. The Rialto Bridge, the Doge’s Palace and, of course, St. Mark’s Square are just some of the many world famous sights that you also come by on a walk through the central parts of the city.

Venice is also one of the capitals of romance, where you can enjoy the gondolier’s song and a stroll through the many narrow alleys and along the countless canals. The canals and sidewalks are linked by countless small bridges, where you can explore the unique city scapes away from the busy tourist areas along the Grand Canal.

The abundance of beautiful churches are also worth paying attention to. Fine museums, old schools, palaces and other buildings supplement everything else and make each canal and square different to the other.

Outside of Venice, there are a number of the cultural cities of Northern Italy, such as Padova, Vicenza and of course Verona, where the well-preserved history can be seen in the Roman arena and other monuments of the Roman Empire and the subsequent period.

Top Attractions

Rialto Bridge, Venice

  • Rialto Bridge/Ponte di Rialto: The Rialto Bridge is the largest and most famous bridge crossing the Grand Canal. It was opened in 1591 on the highest point of Venice. There is a nice atmosphere around the bridge, which is one of the city’s landmarks. From the area around the Rialto Bridge you can also enjoy good views to the Grand Canal, which is another of the city’s major sights.
  • Accademia Gallery/Gallerie dell’Accademia: Gallerie dell’Accademia is an art museum that houses a large and very fine collection of paintings from primarily the 1200-1700s. Here you can e.g. see Da Vinci’s vetruvian man.

Ca d'Oro, Venice

  • Ca ‘d’Oro: This is a palace located on the Grand Canal and it is considered the most beautiful of Venice’s many beautiful palaces. Its name means the house of gold, and it was built as the residence of the Contarini family in the 1420s.
  • St Mark’s Square/Piazza San Marco: Piazza San Marco is Venice’s world-famous square with pigeons, cafés, St. Mark’s Basilica and the Doge’s Palace. It is almost the epitome of the city and there is always plenty of activity in the beautiful surroundings.

Doge's Palace, Venice

  • Doge’s Palace/Palazzo Ducale: For centuries, the city-state of Venice was ruled by a doge, and this magnificent palace was the residence of the Doges through time. The style is typically Venetian from its construction through the 14th and 15th centuries.
  • St Mark’s Basilica/Basilica di San Marco: The Basilica di San Marco is the most famous of all Venice’s many churches, and it is also the most magnificent example of Byzantine architecture in the city. This is where the relics of Saint Mark are kept.

Other Attractions

Santa Maria della Salute, Venice

  • Basilica of St Mary Salute/Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute: This church is one of Italy’s most beautiful baroque churches outside Rome. The foundation consists of more than 100,000 wooden poles, and the beautiful building was inaugurated in 1687 with a beautiful interior.
  • The New Ghetto/Ghetto Nuovo: Campo di Ghetto Nuovo is the central and cozy square on a small island in the middle of the Cannaregio district. The island was the world’s first Jewish ghetto, established as a neighborhood in the 16th century.

Gesuiti, Venice

  • Church of St Mary Assunta I Gesuiti/Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta o dei Gesuiti: This church is also simply called Gesuiti after the Jesuit monks who were first sent into exile from Venice and later built the beautiful baroque church in the years 1715-1729.
  • Basilica of St John and Paul/Basilica di Santi Giovanni e Paolo: This is the city’s most important Dominican church, which is also one of Venice’s largest churches. It was completed in 1430 and you can see beautiful art and beautiful chapels in the fine interior.

St Mark's Campanile, Venice

  • St Mark’s Campanile/Campanile di San Marco: Campanile di San Marco is one of Venice’s famous landmarks. It measures 98 meters/323 feet in height and got its current appearance in 1514. You can get up to the tower from which there is a beautiful view.
  • Ca ‘Pesaro: Ca ‘Pesaro is a marble palace in the Baroque style, built in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is now a museum with art from Venetian and other artists from not least the 1800-1900s, and there is also oriental art.
  • Church of St Mary Carmini/Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Carmini: This is a Carmelite church that was built from 1286 and through several centuries. In the beautiful church interior you can e.g. see works of art by Tintoretto.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice

  • Peggy Guggenheim Collection/Collezione Peggy Guggenheim: Collezione Peggy Guggenheim is a museum that exhibits some of the world’s best in modern art. There are paintings and sculptures of i.a. Salvador Dalí, Vasily Kandinsky and Pablo Picasso.
  • La Fenice Grand Theater/Gran Teatro La Fenice: La Fenice is Venice’s famous opera house, set in beautiful architectural surroundings. Many great operas have premiered here; eg Giuseppe Verdi’s La Traviata and Rigoletto.

Basilica San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice

  • St George’s Great Basilica/Basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore: The view from Piazza San Marco over the Grand Canal is very picturesque, and many artists have over time reproduced the view of Andrea Palladio’s church on the island of Isola Giorgio Maggiore. You can sail to the island and see the church and the traffic on the Grand Canal on the way.
  • Riva degli Schiavoni: The street Riva degli Schiavoni forms a very atmospheric promenade towards the lagoon of Venice. The view is formidable, and in addition to the many tourist stalls, you can see and try the real Venetian gondola experience here.

Day Trips

Burano, Venice

  • Burano: The island of Burano is one of the most visited and exciting islands in the lagoon of Venice. On the relatively small island, everything is within comfortable walking distance, and a delight awaits the eye with canals and many colorful houses.
  • Murano: Murano is a cozy island to visit, it is like a miniature version of Venice. The island has a nice and peaceful atmosphere and is famous for the glass you can see being produced at the many glassblowers.
  • Venice Lido/Lido di Venezia: This is Venice’s famous Lido, a 12 km/7.4 mile long island located between Venice’s lagoon and the Adriatic Sea. The Lido is a short boat ride from St. Mark’s Square, and the atmosphere is relaxed, beautiful and almost rural in comparison with the big city.
  • St Michael’s Island/Isola di San Michele: San Michele is a cemetery island that has been used for funerals from Venice since the 19th century. There are terracotta walls around the cemetery and the island’s 15th century church.
  • Chioggia: Chioggia is a city located on an island to the south in the lagoon of Venice. There are many architectural sights here, and the seaside resort of Sottomarina is located by the town with lovely beaches and many activities.

Verona, Italy

  • Verona: Verona was one of the important cities of the Roman Empire, and that period has left its clear mark on the city. Thus, there are many ruins to see, and the most famous is the arena that is still used. Julie’s house from Romeo and Juliet is another of the city’s popular sights.
  • Padua/Padova: Padua is an ancient city of culture with famous sights. It is known for countless arcades, many squares and bridges crossing the river Bacchiglione, and here are top attractions such as the Scrovegni Chapel and the city’s botanical garden.


  • Auchan, Via Don Tosatto 22, Mestre,
  • Centro Le Barche, Piazza XXVII Ottobre 1, Mestre
  • Ipermercato Panorama, Via Sertorio Orsato, Mestre,
  • Shopping streets: Between Piazza San Marco, Ponte di Rialto, Santa Lucia Merceria, Calle Larga XXII Marzo Frezzeria Mestre (around Piazza Ferretto, Via Palazzo)

With Kids

City History

Lagoon foundations
Behind the natural protection of the Adriatic Sea, the Venice lagoon before the city of Venice has provided the breeding ground for the scattered habitation of fishermen.

An actual settlement of what was to become Venice is believed to have started in the 400s, when people from the mainland sought refuge from invading females and Germanic tribes.

The migrants gradually built villages founded on piles on the swampy islands, and the inhabited area was concentrated around Rialto, which is the highest area.

There is no date and year for the city’s founding, but the city’s start is counted as noon on March 25, 421. At this time, the church of San Giacomo di Rialto was inaugurated as the first in Venice.

Immigration and self-government
In the century after its founding, Venice remained a minor settlement. That changed with the German-Scandinavian langobards that invaded East Roman Italy from the north in 568.

The Langobards, which have clearly marked later Lombardy, led many to flee to Venice, which along with Ravenna to the south lay as an Austro-Roman enclave connected only to the rest of the Kingdom and thus the capital Constantinople by sea.

The isolated position in the kingdom led to a high of autonomy in Venice, with Tribuni Maiores meeting in 568 as the first local governing assembly. It was a new launch in Venice that at this time allowed new large port facilities to be erected; among others on the island of Torcello.

Officially, Venice remained part of the Eastern Roman Empire, where the emperor’s representative was the exarch of Ravenna.

The first doge
In 726 it rioted in Ravenna, where the blood flowed and the exarch was killed. It happened in the context of the picture battle, the Byzantine Iconoclasm, which was a passionate debate between the Orthodox Catholic Church and the Byzantine emperor about the proper use of icons.

In this regard, Venice supported the emperor’s voyage to recapture the Ravenna exarchate with both men and ships. The support was reciprocated by Emperor Leo III with extended rights for Venice, which in 726 also chose Ursus as the city’s first doge; a Duke title, later renamed Doge. Leo III also awarded Ursus a title as consul.

In 751, the Langobardian King Aistulf conquered most of the Exarchate Ravenna, making Venice an isolated and areaally small Byzantine outpost to the northwest.

The doge was the leader of Venice, and his residence was located in Malamocco on the island of Lido off present-day Venice. During the reign of doge Agnello Particiaco, who ruled 811-827, the government seat was moved to Rialto, after which the first doge’s palace was erected along with other new construction.

Adriatic trade rights
In 774, the French Empire, with Charles the Great at the head of the Langobardian Empire in Italy, crushed and the new order put Venice’s independence under pressure.

Karl the Great’s son Pippin, who became king of Italy, launched a siege of Venice. It lasted six months and led to a retreat and defeat for Pippin’s forces. In the aftermath of the siege, Karl the Great and Emperor Nikephoros entered into an agreement recognizing Venice as Byzantine territory, and the city was granted commercial rights along the Adriatic coast. By agreement, Venice was de facto an independent republic.

Mark comes, and trade flourishes
Venice’s commercial significance increased, and when Venetian merchants in 828 brought home the relics of the evangelist Mark, the city also became a religious center. To that end, the Church of St. Mark was built so that the relics could be stored in a convenient location.

In the following centuries, Venice developed rapidly, and with the gradual decline of the Byzantine Empire, Venice’s position was constantly strengthened. In time, the city became an actual city-state in line with Amalfi, Genoa and Pisa.

Venice’s trade, economic capacity and political power were constantly increasing during this period. The city became central to trade between Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire as well as the entire Middle East. Venice gained outstanding rights to trade with the Byzantines due, among other things, to supplying ships to the kingdom’s fleet.

In 1095, the ships of the Republic supported Pope Urban II’s crusade, and this was the start of Venice’s path to further dominance in the eastern Mediterranean region. However, it settled with Constantinople, where in 1182 persecution of the successful Venetians.

The dependence of the Crusades on the ships of Venice came to cost Constantinople dearly, because with the Fourth Crusade of 1202, the launch had gone to plunder the city. It fell in 1204 in what is believed to be one of history’s most lucrative looting of cities. Venice’s great prey included, among other things, the four bronze horses now seen at St. Mark’s Basilica.

Venice’s dominance and influence were not least of a commercial nature, and the money flowed to the city where prestigious mansions were erected. Most famous are the Venetian palaces, which were built with Byzantine inspiration down to Venice’s main street; Grand Canal.

After the victory over Constantinople in 1204, the merchants were given even better opportunities, as the territory of Venice had been considerably expanded with many colonies formerly belonging to the Byzantine Empire. For example, the island of Crete had become Venetian.

At home in Venice, the government was inspired by the ancient Roman Empire. Here was a city council, it ruled, and the council chose a doge as leader. The wealthy governed, and their interests were to continue the growth, capacity and power of the city.

However, the dominance was increasingly met by resistance in neighboring countries. The city of Genoa, the leader of the sea in the western Mediterranean, and Venice went through many battles before Venice in 1380 won a major naval battle at Chioggia.

Time marked the beginning of Venice’s quest for land to supplement its dominant trading position on the seas. Thus, during the 15th century, the territory of the city-state was expanded with both Padova and Verona west of Venice, the area along the eastern Adriatic coast and the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.

Venice’s rule was voluminous, but other powers became stronger and this marked the beginning of Venice’s decline. The Turkish Ottomans had been at war since the 1420s over the dominance of the seas of the eastern Mediterranean, and at the end of the century Venice suffered defeats that led to the renunciation of land.

More serious to the city-state was the alliance of several powers over Venetian lands close to Venice itself. The pope wanted Romagna, the German-Roman emperor Maximilian In Friuli and Veneto, Spain the ports of southern Italian Apulia, France Cremona and Hungary Dalmatia.

On April 15, 1509, French forces left Milan and invaded Venetian territory. The final battle between the parties to the battle came to an end on 14 May 1509 at the Battle of Agnadello. Venice suffered a defeat that could have killed the city-state, but by continued defense and diplomacy it managed to turn the defeat into a partial victory with certain reclaimed lands. However, the battle was the end of Venice’s expansion.

Venice of the 1600-1700s
Already in 1348 and again in 1575-1577 the plague had hit Venice, where in the latter period about 50,000 of the citizens died. In 1630, the disease recurred, and this time a third of the approximately 150,000 inhabitants died. It provided a natural setback for the city.

Throughout the 1600s-1700s, Venice had also struggled against not least the Ottomans for continued rule over Cyprus and smaller lands in Greece. Several battles through the 18th century drained the city’s previously proud fleet, which once counted more than 3,300 ships. In the 1790s, the city’s merchant fleet was reduced to a few hundred ships.

Venice’s power on the seas was over, while the eighteenth century continued to provide good economy from the rich cities and Venetian territory of northern Italy, which spoke among others Bergamo, Verona, Vicenza and Padova in addition to Venice itself.

In spite of external decline, wealth provided a cultural highlight of Venice, where literature, construction and art flourished throughout the 18th century. It was thus one of Europe’s most elegant cities, which also came under pressure as Napoleon’s army approached. The French invaded Venice in April 1797, thus ending the former great power, the Republic of Venice, as an independent nation. The following year, Austria entered the city.

In 1805, Venice became part of the Kingdom of Italy, established with the Peace in Pressburg, which, after the Battle of Austerlitz, marked the end of the Third Coalition War.

The Kingdom of Italy was a French puppet state, and with Napoleon’s final defeat Venice was again subject to Austrian rule.

Modern Venice
Austria was never able to integrate the city of Venice and the region of Veneto into the Alpine country, and it fueled Venice’s participation in the rising Italian nationalism that was to become a new state formation.

After a rebellion that re-established the Venetian Republic in 1848-1849, Venice broke with Austria in 1866 and became part of the new Kingdom of Italy, which had Rome as its capital and Vittorio Emanuele II as king.

The new status as part of Italy started a massive development of the city in the late 1800s. Former desire for greater dominance of the mainland was now gradually fulfilled. Trade in the port was steadily increasing and a land-based link was opened between the city of Venice and mainland Veneto. Tourism, which is Venice’s largest source of income today, increased with ease of access and improved facilities.

A car bridge was built under Mussolini and the area on the mainland was industrialized. Venice had now grown from the city state to the mainland towns of Mestre and Marghera.

The mainland industry was the cause of bombing during World War II, but old Venice escaped somewhat unscathed throughout the war years.

Industrialization continued in the post-war years, for example in the petrochemical industry, and today Veneto is still developing well in comparison with other of Italy’s traditional industrial regions.

Investment provided jobs in the region, but it was the mainland that developed. The city of Venice itself was halved over the years, and the islands evolved towards today’s Venice, which has significantly fewer inhabitants than before, but in turn has a highly developed tourism industry.


In short

Overview of Venice

Northern Italian Venice is a unique city in the world and an experience you will never forget. The city in the lagoon is constructed on millions of wooden pillars in the soft soil close to the Adriatic Sea, and being built over centuries it is a fantastic city you can visit today.


The canals cut through the Venice neighborhoods, and a gondola ride on the Grand Canal is like a boat trip through the city’s long history. You pass by the many palaces that housed the city’s rich families for more than 1,000 years. The Rialto Bridge, the Doge’s Palace and, of course, St. Mark’s Square are just some of the many world famous sights that you also come by on a walk through the central parts of the city.


About the upcoming Venice travel guide

  • Contents: Tours in the city + tours in the surrounding area
  • Published: Released soon
  • Author: Stig Albeck
  • Publisher:
  • Language: English


About the travel guide

The Venice travel guide gives you an overview of the sights and activities of the Italian city. Read about top sights and other sights, and get a tour guide with tour suggestions and detailed descriptions of all the city’s most important churches, monuments, mansions, museums, etc.


Venice is waiting for you, and at you can also find cheap flights and great deals on hotels for your trip. You just select your travel dates and then you get flight and accommodation suggestions in and around the city.


Read more about Venice and Italy


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Canal Grande • St Mark’s Basilica • Doge’s Palace • Lido • Gondolas

Overview of Venice

Northern Italian Venice is a unique city in the world and an experience you will never forget. The city in the lagoon is constructed on millions of wooden pillars in the soft soil close to the Adriatic Sea, and being built over centuries it is a fantastic city you can visit today.


The canals cut through the Venice neighborhoods, and a gondola ride on the Grand Canal is like a boat trip through the city’s long history. You pass by the many palaces that housed the city’s rich families for more than 1,000 years. The Rialto Bridge, the Doge’s Palace and, of course, St. Mark’s Square are just some of the many world famous sights that you also come by on a walk through the central parts of the city.


About the upcoming Venice travel guide

  • Contents: Tours in the city + tours in the surrounding area
  • Published: Released soon
  • Author: Stig Albeck
  • Publisher:
  • Language: English


About the travel guide

The Venice travel guide gives you an overview of the sights and activities of the Italian city. Read about top sights and other sights, and get a tour guide with tour suggestions and detailed descriptions of all the city’s most important churches, monuments, mansions, museums, etc.


Venice is waiting for you, and at you can also find cheap flights and great deals on hotels for your trip. You just select your travel dates and then you get flight and accommodation suggestions in and around the city.


Read more about Venice and Italy


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Click the “Add to Cart” button to purchase the travel guide. After that you will come to the payment, where you enter the purchase and payment information. Upon payment of the travel guide, you will immediately receive a receipt with a link to download your purchase. You can download the travel guide immediately or use the download link in the email later.


Use the travel guide

When you buy the travel guide to Venice you get the book online so you can have it on your phone, tablet or computer – and of course you can choose to print it. Use the maps and tour suggestions and you will have a good and content-rich journey.



Other Attractions

Santa Maria della Salute, Venice

  • Basilica of St Mary Salute/Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute: This church is one of Italy’s most beautiful baroque churches outside Rome. The foundation consists of more than 100,000 wooden poles, and the beautiful building was inaugurated in 1687 with a beautiful interior.
  • The New Ghetto/Ghetto Nuovo: Campo di Ghetto Nuovo is the central and cozy square on a small island in the middle of the Cannaregio district. The island was the world’s first Jewish ghetto, established as a neighborhood in the 16th century.

Gesuiti, Venice

  • Church of St Mary Assunta I Gesuiti/Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta o dei Gesuiti: This church is also simply called Gesuiti after the Jesuit monks who were first sent into exile from Venice and later built the beautiful baroque church in the years 1715-1729.
  • Basilica of St John and Paul/Basilica di Santi Giovanni e Paolo: This is the city’s most important Dominican church, which is also one of Venice’s largest churches. It was completed in 1430 and you can see beautiful art and beautiful chapels in the fine interior.

St Mark's Campanile, Venice

  • St Mark’s Campanile/Campanile di San Marco: Campanile di San Marco is one of Venice’s famous landmarks. It measures 98 meters/323 feet in height and got its current appearance in 1514. You can get up to the tower from which there is a beautiful view.
  • Ca ‘Pesaro: Ca ‘Pesaro is a marble palace in the Baroque style, built in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is now a museum with art from Venetian and other artists from not least the 1800-1900s, and there is also oriental art.
  • Church of St Mary Carmini/Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Carmini: This is a Carmelite church that was built from 1286 and through several centuries. In the beautiful church interior you can e.g. see works of art by Tintoretto.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice

  • Peggy Guggenheim Collection/Collezione Peggy Guggenheim: Collezione Peggy Guggenheim is a museum that exhibits some of the world’s best in modern art. There are paintings and sculptures of i.a. Salvador Dalí, Vasily Kandinsky and Pablo Picasso.
  • La Fenice Grand Theater/Gran Teatro La Fenice: La Fenice is Venice’s famous opera house, set in beautiful architectural surroundings. Many great operas have premiered here; eg Giuseppe Verdi’s La Traviata and Rigoletto.

Basilica San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice

  • St George’s Great Basilica/Basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore: The view from Piazza San Marco over the Grand Canal is very picturesque, and many artists have over time reproduced the view of Andrea Palladio’s church on the island of Isola Giorgio Maggiore. You can sail to the island and see the church and the traffic on the Grand Canal on the way.
  • Riva degli Schiavoni: The street Riva degli Schiavoni forms a very atmospheric promenade towards the lagoon of Venice. The view is formidable, and in addition to the many tourist stalls, you can see and try the real Venetian gondola experience here.

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